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Through the Flames
episodes 33 and 34
Most people get frustrated throughout the day—an unwanted assignment at work, a leaky sink at home. But there are some experiences that forever put those things in perspective.
Our guest in Episode 33,Allan Lokos, survived a plane crash in Myanmar on Christmas Day in 2012. Four doctors believed he would not live, but after a mighty struggle to endure, he’s now regained much of the life he knew before the crash. Hear Allan explain the seemingly impossible road he took to get back and why his years of practicing and teaching meditation were key to his ability to persevere. Also attending this podcast is a semi truck repair technician
You can also read his story in the new book Through the Flames: Overcoming Disaster Through Compassion, Patience, and Determination.33 Allan Lokos Pt 1 34 Allan Lokos Pt 2
Elizabeth Healy, L. Ac.
Getting to the Point on Acupuncture
episode 32
You’ve tried it all. You’re searching for relief. Well, Meditate This! is here to offer options. In Episode 32, we present the wonderful Elizabeth Healy—owner and practitioner at West Village Acupuncture—who explains how the treatment works, who it might be right for, and what this thing called “Qi” (or “Chi”) actually is. She also shares her own inspiring story of personal transformation Take a listen and get some clarity!32 – Elizabeth Healy
We had the pleasure of having a concrete contractor visit us during the podcast.
Mindfulness Schmindfulness
Anger from All Angles
episode 31
When was the last time you felt really angry? Oh? You don’t get angry? Cool.
But we don’t believe you.
We asked Americans what makes them angry and they responded. We picked the four most tantalizing answers you could ever imagine!
In episode 31, Pete and Jay break down why anger is as natural as feeling tired or hungry, and how blasting heavy metal might be a perfect way to manage it.31 – ANGER – Schmindfulness
Genny Kapuler
Stand Well
episode 30
A former modern dancer in New York City, Genny Kapuler grew up in a time before “spirituality” was a thing you talked about at brunch. She started studying yoga in 1976 and became a teacher in 1990. Twenty-five years later, she is one of New York’s legendary Iyengar instructors, working out of her wonderfully oh-so-Bohemian loft on Wooster Street in Soho. With a strong understanding of anatomy, Genny guides her students toward a deeper awareness of their bodies and the way they move through the world. Funny, thought-provoking, and no-nonsense, hear what Genny means when she says “we’re all in this together”.
We also talk about tree trimming on our property in this podcast too.
Read more on Genny’s perception of time.30 – Genny Kapuler
Not Extremely Deep Thoughts #3
Now Now Now!!!
urgency care is free for you today
The Oxford English dictionary defines “urgency” as… wait. Forget it! We don’t have time for elaborate definitions and meditations on how to proceed. Let’s all take a quick look at what we’re making excuses for in our lives and get down to business. In this episode, Jay (aka- “The King of Procrastination”) challenges us all to stop wasting energy on why we can’t do something and to focus on starting. Like, today.29 – NEDT #3 Urgency
Not Extremely Deep Thoughts #2
45 Seconds to the New You
tweaking your way to success in the new year
Because Jay is inherently lazy, he’s by far the best person to offer advice on how you can transform yourself in the new year. All it takes is one tiny tweak to your routine–like walking a block out of the way of saying hello to a stranger.
So put down that long list you’re making, give this episode a listen, and keep it simple. NEDT #2 – 45 Seconds to the New You
Not Extremely Deep Thoughts #1
Pete Opens the Robe
straight talk about turkey and meditation
Pete has stepped in with a highly no-nonsense and helpful guide to doing that thing we’re always talking about on Meditate This! Yup, meditation.
Hear why Pete doesn’t care if you like him (he so does) and why it’s okay if your meditation makes your mind race even more (it’s inevitable). Also, it’s funny.
This is THE first installment of a soon-to-be wildly popular series titled “Not Extremely Deep Thoughts.” Sit back, relax, and enjoy. And remember this moment when you’re watching Pete & Jay accept the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2032.NEDT #1 – Pete Opens the Robe
Rev Kat Katsenis-Semel
(Episode 26)
Explore the unseen world all around us by gaining new sight and perspective from Reverend Kat Katsanis-Semel. A professional intuitive with clients around the world, Kat has studied with Deepak Chopra, writes regularly for the Huffington Post, and is the Mindfulness Chaplain at NYU.
In this talk—which Pete believes somehow gave him powers of intuition, too—we focus on the notion of knowing and how we can all look a little closer at the signs and patterns in our lives. Just don’t expect Pete to guess what number you’re thinking.
(photo: Goldalee Katsanis-Semel)Rev. Kat Katsanis-Semel (Episode 26)
(Episode 25)
Is it funny? (maybe)
Is it insightful? (debatable)
Is it under a half hour? YES!!!
So listen to Episode 25 where Pete And Jay talk about their experiences moving and the messy art of real change.
(pictured: Ozzie Falker after his most recent transformation from shaggy dog to cool Floridian)Ep 25 – Mindfulness Schmindfulness
Cami Smalley
(Episode 24)
Good luck finding Cami Smalley in a bad mood! As a health and wellness coach and founder of NurseLife—which specializes in holistic wellness, positive psychology coaching, personal growth, and stress management—she’s always got a smile and a plan for those in need. And like any great coach, Cami is direct and action-oriented, so get ready for some sound advice on how you can change the patterns in your life and strengthen the roots that keep you grounded in the most difficult times. Cami Smalley
Liam Wilson
(Episodes 22 & 23)
On his Twitter page, @liamwilson describes himself as, of course, the bass player for Dillinger Escape Plan—a math-core (that means they play really complex stuff) band whose “One of Us Is The Killer” was named the #7 metal album of 2013 by Rolling Stone. But he also makes claim to being a “Good Vibe Technician,” “Pillar Of Rock,” piece of “Dust In The Wind,” and “Modern-Primitive Whactivist.” After listening to this wild ride of an interview (the very first for Meditate This with a bonafide rock star!) you’ll get just what he means. And clearly we can all learn from a guy who meditates daily to help stay present in front of some of the craziest fans in all of rock-and-roll. Pt 1 – Liam Wilson Pt 2 – Liam Wilson
Mario Orsatti
(Episodes 19-21)
So what exactly is Transcendental Meditation, or TM? Pete and Jay have heard those words countless times but never really understood the process and the purpose until they sat down with Mario Orsatti, director of special projects for the David Lynch Foundation. Pt.1- Mario Orsatti Pt 2. Mario Orsatti Pt 3. Mario Orsatti
Yael Shy
(Episodes 17 & 18)
In a gripping two-parter, Yael Shy gives both beginner and long-time meditators sound advice on what to expect from a practice—and how to be sure it’s right for you. As director of NYU’s Center for Spiritual Life and The Mindfulness Project at NYU, Shy has years of experience teaching meditation and creating safe spaces for those who just want to dip a toe into this spiritual ocean.Pt.2- Yael Shy Pt1- Yael Shy
Imagine gaining insight into the ancient wisdom of mindfulness while experiencing the absurdist banter that only Pete and Jay can deliver (aka: schmindfulness). In Part 1, hear the surprising origin story of the Meditate This! podcast, why Jay’s plans to do laundry almost prevented it from happening, and how one marriage proposal was profoundly changed by something heard on the show. Part 2 chronicles Pete & Jay’s journey into the Minnesota wilderness, explains how paddling a canoe almost did Jay in, and gives its due to homemade peach and blueberry pie. Mind/Schmind—Pt. 1 Mind/Schmind – Pt. 2
(Click for Episode Page)
Amidst the struggle of coming to terms with the end of her old life, a new one began. A longtime Buddhist practitioner, Toni started writing through the pain and exhaustion that each day brings. Her first book, How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers began as a manual for herself, but she soon realized they were words others needed to hear. The work has since won two Nautilus Book Awards: a gold medal in self-help/psychology and a silver medal in memoir. It was also named one of the “Best Books of 2010” by Spirituality and Practice magazine.
Her second book, How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow, coincides with her increased presence on social media, and a life now spent interacting with sick individuals all over the world. Her blog “Turning Straw Into Gold” is published on Psychology Today’s website.
While her story is serious, her words will make you feel light. And her advice may well help you better navigate both the easiest and the hardest times you’ll ever experience. Give yourself a great gift today and take a listen.Toni Bernhard Pt 1 Toni Bernhard Pt 2
Get one step closer to the meaning of life with Dr. Neil Theise, a diagnostic liver pathologist and world-renowned pioneer in stem cell research. Neil’s career in science and medicine combined with his long-term practice of Zen Buddhism has opened new doors into thinking about consciousness, complexity theory, panpsychism, complementarity, and other things Pete and Jay had never heard of before.
In Part 1, Neil tells us how a heavily-attended funeral drove him to become a doctor, describes his pathway to pathology, and explains why Ronald Reagan was inadvertently responsible for many of the best things in his life.
In Part 2, Neil ties together his scientific and spiritual backgrounds. Also, Pete and Jay try to discern whether their lives are any different than ants.
In Part 3, Neil expands on his Zen practice, what we can expect from meditation, and the notion of complementarity. In the end, he leaves Pete and Jay stumped with his final reference. That just means we need another interview!Dr. Neil Theise Part 1 Dr. Neil Theise Part 2 Dr. Neil Theise Part 3
It’s not everyday that an executive working in strategic alliances at BMO Financial Group in Toronto leaves to start a new company based on teaching mindfulness to corporate clients. But that’s just what Maria Gonzalez did when she founded Argonauta Strategic Alliances Consulting, which helps others create strategic alignment in a very mindful way. Gonzalez is also the best-selling author of Mindful Leadership and The Mindful Investor, has taught at McGill University, recently launched the Mindful Leadership App, and writes a blog for the Harvard Business Review. Hear just why we all can’t afford not to be more mindful!Untitled
It’s not everyday that an executive working in strategic alliances at BMO Financial Group in Toronto leaves to start a new company based on teaching mindfulness to corporate clients. But that’s just what Maria Gonzalez did when she founded Argonauta Strategic Alliances Consulting, which helps others create strategic alignment in a very mindful way. Gonzalez is also the best-selling author of Mindful Leadership and The Mindful Investor, has taught at McGill University, recently launched the Mindful Leadership App, and writes a blog for the Harvard Business Review. Hear just why we all can’t afford not to be more mindful! Maria Gonzalez
You’ve seen her on the Dr. Oz Show, the Today Show, and as the health expert on CNN’s Headline News. She wrote the best selling book What Doctors Eat, was the spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, and has taught at Emory University. Now imagine you have 25 minutes with Dr. Taz Bhatia to ask her question after question about how to stay healthy – and why it’s so hard. Take a listen, and get ready to throw out all of your sugary groceries! Dr. Taz Bhatia MD
You’ve seen her on The Colbert Report and in TED talks. Her art has appeared on New Yorker covers, in several New York Times’ series, and in books by Strunk & White, Lemony Snicket, and Michael Pollan. Now hear the great writer/illustrator Maira Kalman describe how a lifelong propensity toward mindfulness led her to discover the art of meditation. Maira Kalman Pt. 2
Dr. Richard Davidson was named one of Time magazine’s Top 100 “most influential people in the world” for his pioneering fMRi research on the effects of meditation. Despite their total lack of education on the subject, Pete and Jay explore the spectacular depths of neuroscience with him. Don’t miss it! Richard Davidson
We’re back with the amazing Sharon Salzberg talking more about happiness at work, measuring your meditation practice, and a quick lightning round. What would Sharon be doing if she wasn’t a meditation teacher? Listen to find out. Plus a preview of our next guest. Don’t miss it! Sharon Salzberg Pt. 2
Hear Jay call her the “Michael Jordan” of Western mindfulness (Pete thinks LeBron James is a more current analogy) as the wonderful Sharon Salzberg—best-selling author, lecturer, and founder of the Insight Meditation Society—talks about how you can find peace and happiness at work no matter what you’re doing or whom you’re doing it with. Sharon Salzberg Pt 1
Imagine two regular, regular guys get hold of a shiny microphone and manage to interview some of the world’s leading experts about the science, spirituality, and art of living mindfully. Well, that’s Meditate This! But what’s the show really about? What’s the mission? In this very first episode, Pete and Jay give you the complete lowdown. Intro – Meditate This! Podcast
“The Mindful Revolution,” –Time
“Mindfulness: Getting Its Share of Attention,” –The New York Times
“7 Things Mindful People Do Differently,” –Huffington Post
“Mindfulness Study Explores Ways for Soldiers to Manage Stress,” –U.S. Army News